
Customer satisfaction: “Our mission is to offer our customers high-quality catering services that meet their expectations and culinary needs.”

responsible entrepreneurship  
fit staff 
passionate staff 

Socially invested

Diversity and inclusivity

We believe in diversity and inclusivity and aim to offer dishes that reflect diverse culinary traditions and dietary preferences.


We believe in sustainable business practices and carry out our catering services in an environmentally friendly and ethical manner, with respect for the planet.

Less CO2 output

Our CO2 tool helps us gain insight into our carbon footprint.Through an online tool, we qualify the impact of our food and can see which products to use to make our menu as sustainable as possible.

Social return

We believe that everyone is entitled to a suitable workplace.That is why we are an apprenticeship company registered with the Cordaan Foundation and greatly enjoy working with people with disabilities.

Sustainable and fair

We aim to provide organic and sustainably responsible food.Therefore, we only work with suppliers who respect the environment, just like we do.

Zero waste

We think it is important to produce as little waste as possible,which is why we donate our cutting waste to local farmers. And we collaborate with Ozarka. Ozarka is a total solution that replaces disposable packaging with high-quality reusable meal packaging.

Service and flexibility

We take pride in our excellent customer service and aim to meet the unique needs and preferences of our customers.